Hyperbolic generalized triangle groups, property (T) and finite simple quotients


We construct several series of explicit presentations of infinite hyperbolic groups enjoying Kazhdan’s property (T). Some of them are significantly shorter than the previously known shortest examples. Moreover, we show that some of those hyperbolic Kazhdan groups possess finite simple quotient groups of arbitrarily large rank; they constitute the first known specimens combining those properties. All the hyperbolic groups we consider are non-positively curved k-fold generalized triangle groups, i.e. groups that possess a simplicial action on a CAT(0) triangle complex, which is sharply transitive on the set of triangles, and such that edge-stabilizers are cyclic of order k.

ArXiv preprint
Marek Kaluba

My research interests include computational algebra, geometric group theory (in particular: property (T)) and (previously) surgery aspects of manifolds.