On rewriting

rewrite(u::AbstractWord, rewriting)

Rewrites word u using the rewriting object. The object must implement rewrite!(v::AbstractWord, w::AbstractWord, rewriting).


julia> alph = Alphabet([:a, :A, :b], [2,1,3])
Alphabet of Symbol
  1. a    (inverse of: A)
  2. A    (inverse of: a)
  3. b    (self-inverse)

julia> a = Word([1]); A = Word([2]); b = Word([3]);

julia> rule = KnuthBendix.Rule(a*b => a)
1·3 ⇒ 1

julia> KnuthBendix.rewrite(a*b^2*A*b^3, rule) == a*A*b^3

julia> KnuthBendix.rewrite(a*A*b^3, alph) == b


Implementing rewriting procedure naively could easily lead to quadratic complexity due to unnecessary moves of parts of the rewritten word. The linear-complexity algorithm uses two stacks v and w:

  • v is initially empty (represents the trivial word), while
  • w contains the content of u (the word to be rewritten with its first letter on its top).
Rewriting algorithm
  1. we pop the first letter l = popfirst!(w) from w,
  2. we push l to the end of v,
  3. we determine a rewritng rule (if it exists) lhs → rhs with v = v'·lhs (i.e. lhs is equal to a suffix of v), and we set
    • v ← v' i.e. we remove the suffix fom v, and
    • w ← rhs·w i.e. rhs is prepended to w
  4. if no such rule exists we go back to 1.

These four steps are repeated until w becomes empty.

In julia flavoured pseudocode the rewrite procedure looks as follows:

function rewrite!(v::AbstractWord, w::AbstractWord, rewriting; kwargs...)
    while !isone(w)
        push!(v, popfirst!(w))
        res = find_rule_with_suffix(rewriting, v)
        isnothing(res) && continue # no rule matching was found
        (lhs, rhs) = res
        @assert v[end-length(lhs)+1:end] == lhs # i.e. v = v'·lhs
        resize!(v, length(v)-length(lhs)) # v ← v'
        prepend!(w, rhs) # w ← rhs·w
    return v

In practice our implementations in place of stacks use RewritingBuffer which consists of a pair of BufferWords (a special implementation of the AbstractWord API).

Particular implementations of rewriting.

Here are some examples of the internal rewriting function already defined:

rewrite!(v::AbstractWord, w::AbstractWord, rule::Rule)

Rewrite word w storing the result in v by using a single rewriting rule.


julia> a = Word([1]); A = Word([2]); b = Word([3]);

julia> rule = KnuthBendix.Rule(a*b => a)
1·3 ⇒ 1

julia> v = one(a); KnuthBendix.rewrite!(v, a*b^2*A*b^3, rule);

julia> v == a*A*b^3
rewrite!(v::AbstractWord, w::AbstractWord, A::Alphabet)

Rewrite word w storing the result in v by applying free reductions as defined by the inverses present in alphabet A.


julia> alph = Alphabet([:a, :A, :b], [2,1,3])
Alphabet of Symbol
  1. a    (inverse of: A)
  2. A    (inverse of: a)
  3. b    (self-inverse)

julia> a = Word([1]); A = Word([2]); b = Word([3]);

julia> v = one(a); KnuthBendix.rewrite!(v, a*b^2*A*b^3, alph);

julia> v == b

Let a rewriting system rws is given, and let lhsₖ → rhsₖ denote its k-th rule. Let ℒ = {lhsₖ}ₖ denote the language of left-hand-sides of rws and let N = Σₖ length(lhsₖ) be the total length of .

Naive rewriting

rewrite!(v::AbstractWord, w::AbstractWord, rws::RewritingSystem)

Rewrite word w storing the result in v using rewriting rules of rws.

The naive rewriting with RewritingSystem

  1. moves one letter from the beginning of w to the end of v
  2. checks every rule lhs → rhs in rws until v contains lhs as a suffix,
  3. if found, the suffix is removed from v and rhs is prepended to w.

Those steps repeat until w is empty.

The complexity of this rewriting is Ω(length(w) · N), where N is the total size of left hand sides of the rewriting rules of rws.

See procedure REWRITE_FROM_LEFT from Section 2.4[Sims1994], p. 66.


The naive rewriting with a rewriting system is therefore in the worst case proportional to the total size of the whole rws which makes it a very inefficient rewriting strategy.

Index automaton rewriting

rewrite!(v::AbstractWord, w::AbstractWord, idxA::Automata.IndexAutomaton)

Rewrite word w storing the result in v using index automaton idxA.

Rewriting with an IndexAutomaton traces (i.e. follows) the path in the automaton determined by w (since the automaton is deterministic there is only one such path). Whenever a terminal (i.e. accepting) state is encountered

  1. its corresponding rule lhs → rhs is retrived,
  2. the appropriate suffix of v (equal to lhs) is removed, and
  3. rhs is prepended to w.

Tracing continues from the first letter of the newly prepended word.

To continue tracing w through the automaton we need to backtrack on our path in the automaton and for this rewrite maintains a vector of visited states of idxA (the history of visited states of idxA). Whenever a suffix is removed from v, the path is rewinded (i.e. shortened) to the appropriate length and the next letter of w is traced from the last state on the path. This maintains the property that signature of the path is equal to v at all times.

Once index automaton is build the complexity of this rewriting is Ω(length(w)) which is the optimal rewriting strategy.

See procedure INDEX_REWRITE from Section 3.5[Sims1994], p. 113.


In practice the complexity of building and maintaining idxA synchronized with overwhelms gains made in rewriting (to construct idxA one need to fully reduce rws first which is a very costly operation).

Prefix automaton rewriting

Rewriting with a prefix automaton pfxA traces w through a non non-deterministic automaton which is pfxA with a ε-labeled loop added at its (unique) initial state. In tracing we follow all possible paths determined by w, i.e. in this case each path begins at every letter of w. Whenever a non-accepting state is encountered on any of the paths, the corresponding rule lhs → rhs is used for rewriting.

This rewriting can be also understood differently: given the non-deterministic automaton one could determinize it through power-set construction and then trace deterministicaly in the automaton whose states are subsets of states of the initial automaton. Here we do it without realizing the power-set explicitly and we are tracing through a procedure described in Sims book as the accessible subset construction.

rewrite!(v::AbstractWord, w::AbstractWord, pfxA::PrefixAutomaton[; history, skipping])

Rewrite word w storing the result in v using prefix automaton idxA. As rewriting rules are stored externally, they must be passed in the rules keyword argument.

Rewriting with a PrefixAutomaton traces (i.e. follows) simultanously all paths in the automaton determined by w. To be more precise we trace a path in the power-set automaton (states are the subsets of states of the original automaton) via a prodedure described by Sims as the lazy accessible subset construction. Since the non-deterministic part of the automaton consists of ε-loop at the initial state there are at most length(w)-1 such paths.

Whenever a non-accepting state is encountered on any of those paths

  1. its corresponding rule lhs → rhs is retrived,
  2. the appropriate suffix of v (equal to lhs) is removed, and
  3. rhs is prepended to w.

Tracing continues from the first letter of the newly prepended word.

To continue tracing w through the automaton we need to backtrack on our path in the automaton and for this rewrite maintains a history consisting of subsets of states of pfxA. Whenever a suffix is removed from v, the path is rewinded (i.e. shortened to the appropriate length) and the next letter of w is traced from the last state on the path. This maintains the property that signature of the path is equal to v at all times.

Once prefix automaton pfxA is build the complexity of this rewriting is Ω(length(w) · max(length(w), m)), where m is the number of states of pfxA.


In practice the history consists of the subsets of states (of pfxA) which are stored in PackedVector, a contiguous array of states with separators. A new path is started whenever a new letter is pushed onto v by simply adding the the initial state of pfxA to the current subset. The rewinding of the history then happens simultanuously for all paths without additional book-keeping.

Once prefix automaton is build the complexity of this rewriting is achievable in realistically quadratic time with respect to the length of the rewritten word. This rewriting strikes a balance between the complexity of rewriting and the synchronization of pfxA and , as the insertion of a rule into pfxA has linear complexity and can be accomplished without reducing the automaton.

Even more internals of rewriting

On RewritingBuffers

Rewriting is a crucial part of the Knuth-Bendix completion. In particular we do care plenty not only about the theoretical complexity, but also the practical speed of rewriting. You may be surprised then that a simple rewrite allocates 6 times:

julia> alph = Alphabet([:a, :A, :b], [2,1,3])
Alphabet of Symbol
  1. a    (inverse of: A)
  2. A    (inverse of: a)
  3. b    (self-inverse)

julia> a = Word([1]); A = Word([2]); b = Word([3]);

julia> w = a*A*b^3;

julia> @time KnuthBendix.rewrite(w, alph)
  0.000015 seconds (7 allocations: 336 bytes)
Word{UInt16}: 3

This is because the system is tuned towards re-using the storage in the process of the completion. In particular a RewritingBuffer consisting of two Words.BufferWord and the final returned word (of the same type as w) are allocated in the process:

function rewrite(
    rwbuffer::RewritingBuffer = RewritingBuffer{T}(rewriting),
) where {T,W<:AbstractWord{T}}
    # first copy the content of w into rwbuffer
    Words.store!(rwbuffer, w)
    # then rewrite reusing the internal BufferWords
    rewrite!(rwbuffer, rewriting; kwargs...)
    # finally take ownership of the result
    return W(rwbuffer.output)

A pair of BufferWords used for efficient rewriting of words with letters of type {T}.

Additional history may be passed to construct a buffer for rewriting with an appropriate automaton. See methods of rewrite!.


Words.BufferWord is an implementation of AbstractWord tuned for the purpose of this form of rewriting (with O(1) complexity for popfirst!, push! and prepend!). In the Knuth-Bendix completion these RewritingBuffers are allocated only once per run and re-used later, so that destructive rewriting is as free from allocations and memory copy as possible.

  • Sims1994C.C. Sims Computation with finitely presented groups, Cambridge University Press, 1994.
  • Sims1994C.C. Sims Computation with finitely presented groups, Cambridge University Press, 1994.