Prefix Automaton

PrefixAutomaton(ordering::RewritingOrdering, rwrules::AbstractVector)

Prefix automaton for the language by lhs-es of rwrules.

A deterministic automaton with

  • a single initial state (corresponding to the empty word)
  • a fail state,
  • the set of accepting states (the proper prefixes of lhs-es of rwrules).
  • a sincle non-accepting state for each rewriting rule.

After attaching an ε-labeled loop at the initial state the language the automaton recognizes the language of words irreducible w.r.t. rwrules. This is done implicitly in rewrite!.


The automaton uses Int32s as states and dense storage for the transitions:

  • 0 denotes the fail state (i.e. no defined edge)
  • 1 denotes the unique initial state
  • positive numbers denote the accepting states
  • negative numbers denote non-accepting states and are the indices of the corresponding rewriting rules as stored in rwrules field.

PrefixAutomaton operates on rwrules but doesn't take ownership of the vector. If another structure (e.g. a RewritingSystem) shares the vector of rules the user is responsible for updating it accordingly.
