— TypeAlphabet(letters::AbstractVector[, inversions])
An alphabet consists of the symbols of a common type T
An Alphabet
defines a bijection between consecutive integers and its letters, i.e. it can be queried for the index of a letter, or the letter corresponding to a given index.
julia> al = Alphabet([:a, :b, :c])
Alphabet of Symbol
1. a
2. b
3. c
julia> al[2]
julia> al[:c]
julia> Alphabet([:a, :A, :b], [2, 1, 0])
Alphabet of Symbol
1. a (inverse of: A)
2. A (inverse of: a)
3. b
— Functionsetinverse!(A::Alphabet{T}, x::T, X::T) where T
Set the inversion of x
to X
(and vice versa).
julia> al = Alphabet([:a, :b, :c])
Alphabet of Symbol
1. a
2. b
3. c
julia> KnuthBendix.setinverse!(al, :a, :c)
Alphabet of Symbol
1. a (inverse of: c)
2. b
3. c (inverse of: a)
julia> KnuthBendix.setinverse!(al, :a, :b)
┌ Warning: a already has an inverse: c; overriding
└ @ KnuthBendix ~/.julia/dev/KnuthBendix/src/alphabets.jl:161
Alphabet of Symbol
1. a (inverse of: b)
2. b (inverse of: a)
3. c
— Functionhasinverse(idx::Integer, A::Alphabet)
hasinverse(letter, A::Alphabet)
Check if alphabet A
defines the inverse of letter
— Methodinv(idx::Integer, A::Alphabet)
inv(letter::T, A::Alphabet{T}) where T
Return the inverse of a letter letter
in the context of alphabet A
If hasinverse(letter, A) == false
a DomainError
is thrown.
— Methodinv(w::AbstractWord, A::Alphabet)
Return the inverse of a word w
in the context of alphabet A