integrate(f, a::Number, b::Number;
    check_analytic::Bool = false,
    take_prec::Bool = false,
    prec = max(precision(a), precision(b)),
    rtol = 0.0,
    atol = 2.0^-prec,
    warn_on_no_convergence = true,
    opts::Union{acb_calc_integrate_opt_struct, Ptr{Cvoid}} = C_NULL)

Computes a rigorous enclosure of the integral ∫ₐᵇ f(x) dx where f(x::AcbRef) is any (holomorphic) julia function. From Arb docs:

The integral follows a straight-line path between the complex numbers a and b. For finite results, a, b must be finite and f must be bounded on the path of integration. To compute improper integrals, the user should therefore truncate the path of integration manually (or make a regularizing change of variables, if possible).

The error estimates used require that f is holomorphic on certain ellipses around the path of integration.

The integration algorithm combines direct interval enclosures, Gauss-Legendre quadrature where f is holomorphic, and adaptive subdivision. This strategy supports integrands with discontinuities while providing exponential convergence for typical piecewise holomorphic integrands.

In general the integration will work for any function which is holomorpic or meromorphic on the whole complex plane. For functions with branch cuts or other things which makes them non-holomorphic the argument check_analytic has to be set to true. In this case f will be given a keyword argument analytic::Bool, if analytic is false then nothing special has to be done, but if analytic is true then the output has to be non-finite (typically Acb(NaN)) if f is not holomorphic on the whole input ball.


Users are responsible for verifying holomorphicity of f.


  • take_prec if true then f will be given the keyword argument prec = prec, useful for functions requiring an explicit precision to be given.
  • rtol relative tolerance
  • atol absolute tolerance
  • warn_on_no_convergence set this to false to avoid printing a warning in case the integration doesn't converge.
  • opts a C_NULL (using the default options), or an instance of acb_calc_integrate_opt_struct controlling the algorithmic aspects of integration.

integrate does not guarantee to satisfy provided tolerances. But the integration result is guaranteed to be contained in the returned ball.

For more information please consider arblib documentation and the paper

Fredrik Johansson, Numerical integration in arbitrary-precision ball arithmetic, Mathematical Software – ICMS 2018

See also: integrate!.


julia> Arblib.integrate(sin, 0, 10) # Integrate sin from 0 to 10
[1.83907152907645245225886394782406483451993016513316854683595373104879258687 +/- 5.15e-75]

julia> Arblib.integrate(z -> 1/z, Acb(1, -5), Acb(1, 5)) # Integrate 1/z from 1 - 5i to 1 + 5i
[+/- 2.02e-75] + [2.74680153389003172172254385288992229730199919179940161793956671182574846633 +/- 2.83e-75]im

julia> # Integrate √z from 1 - 5im to 1 + 5im, taking into account the branch cut at (-∞, 0]

julia> f = (z; analytic = false) -> begin
           if analytic && Arblib.contains_nonpositive(real(z))
               return Acb(NaN, prec = precision(z))
               return sqrt(z)

julia> Arblib.integrate(f, Acb(1, -5), Acb(1, 10), check_analytic = true, prec = 64)
[-9.0064084416559764 +/- 7.40e-17] + [23.8636067095598007 +/- 9.03e-17]im
integrate!(f!, res::Acb, a::Number, b::Number;
    check_analytic::Bool = false,
    take_prec::Bool = false,
    prec::Integer = precision(res),
    rtol = 0.0,
    atol = 2.0^-prec,
    warn_on_no_convergence = true,
    opts::Union{acb_calc_integrate_opt_struct, Ptr{Cvoid}} = C_NULL,

Like integrate, but make use of in-place operations. In particular, there are three differences from integrate:

  1. The function f! should be of the form f!(y, x) = set!(y, f(x)). That is, it writes the return value of the integand f(x) in-place into its first argument y. (The return value of f! is ignored).

  2. res is set to the result.

  3. The default precision is taken from res instead of from a and b.


julia> Arblib.integrate!(Arblib.sin!, Acb(0), Acb(0), Acb(10)) # Integrate sin from 0 to 10
[1.83907152907645245225886394782406483451993016513316854683595373104879258687 +/- 5.15e-75]

julia> Arblib.integrate!(Arblib.inv!, Acb(0), Acb(1, -5), Acb(1, 5)) # Integrate 1/z from 1 - 5i to 1 + 5i
[+/- 2.02e-75] + [2.74680153389003172172254385288992229730199919179940161793956671182574846633 +/- 2.83e-75]im

julia> # Integrate √z from 1 - 5im to 1 + 5im, taking into account the branch cut at (-∞, 0]

julia> f! = (res, z; analytic = false) -> Arblib.sqrt_analytic!(res, z, analytic);

julia> Arblib.integrate!(f!, Acb(0), Acb(1, -5), Acb(1, 10), check_analytic = true, prec = 64)
[-9.0064084416559764 +/- 6.53e-17] + [23.8636067095598007 +/- 6.98e-17]im